Calgary and Edmonton were just ranked sexier cities than Toronto

Winnipeg, Edmonton, and eight other cities in Canada are sexier than Toronto, apparently.

Hold on for a second as we collectively tend to our bruised egos and apparent lack of sexual prowess as we digest the fact that Edmonton is sexier.  

Toronto was ranked the 11th sexiest city in Canada according to PinkCherry, one of the leading online adult novelty shops in North America. 

Pink Cherry bases its data on cities with populations over 300,000 and towns of over 30,000. The rankings are based on the amount of revenue and products sold in each sector per person. 

In the ninth edition of the company's "Canada's Sexiest Cities" an interactive sex map shows which cities are getting busy and which adult novelty products they're using.

While Toronto may have gotten the shaft this year, Ontario as a whole came out on top with four spots on the top ten list.

Here are the top 10 sexiest cities in Canada for 2020:

  1. Calgary, Alberta
  2. Surrey, British Colombia
  3. Edmonton, Alberta
  4. Ottawa, Ontario
  5. Winnipeg, Manitoba
  6. London, Ontario
  7. Hamilton, Ontario
  8. Brampton, Ontario
  9. Halifax, Nova scotia
  10. Victoria, British Colombia

And just for fun, here are Toronto's top-ranking adult novelty categories for the same year:

  1. Dildos & Lingerie 
  2. Bondage
  3. Vibrators
  4. Male masturbators
  5. Anal

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