You can now order plants to your door on a Toronto food delivery app

With Toronto's lockdown order extended, people are relying on delivery services more than ever, and now even for buying their houseplants.

Promise Supply is a Toronto garden centre that uses Uber Eats to deliver plants straight to their customers' door. 

Their store is in the Stackt Market, but with COVID-19 preventing customers from shopping indoors, the company had to get creative. 

They were able to grow (pun intended) during the pandemic by providing customers with video calls, window shopping and instant delivery.

"Since we can't have people in and out of the shop, every little bit has helped us make it through the past few months, so we are thankful that we were able to set up on Uber Eats," said co-founder of Promise Supply, David King.

uber eats toronto

A small ivy plant sold at Promise Supply.

On their Uber Eats page you can find a variety of plants, planters and plant care items for sale. The company describes houseplants as something between new furniture and a pet.

"A plant is something that, when cared for, can last you a lifetime."

uber eats toronto

The Laurentii Bird Nest Snake Plant is sold for $15 and is available on Uber Eats.

With more and more people staying indoors, Toronto has seen a surge of interest in houseplants. While some people do it to bring a little colour into their homes, others are finding comfort in taking care of another living thing.

Although Promise Supply can help you find your perfect plant, once it arrives at your door it is up to you to keep it alive. Of course, if it doesn't make it, a replacement plant is now just a click away.

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