Toronto wakes up to a magical sunrise and the photos are absolutely beautiful

It has been a busy month for skywatchers. First, a solar eclipse lit up the sky on June 10, and even with that phenomenon past, we're still being spoiled with beautiful sunrises and sunsets here in Toronto.

The latest breathtaking sunrise to blow our minds, and blow up our phones, took place in today's early morning hours. 

Those who woke early enough to catch the 5:38 a.m. daybreak were given quite a show of golden, pink, and red hues streaking across the horizon as the sun broke through the clouds.

Although not as intense as when the Moon went and covered 86 per cent of the Sun a few weeks back, it was still a breathtaking display of colours for Toronto's early risers.

Luckily, a few took to social media to post photos of this breathtaking sight, so anyone who was busy getting their beauty sleep at that time can still appreciate it.

The sunrise was captured all around the city from East York to Etobicoke, looking especially beautiful along the waterfront where the colours magically reflected off the lake. 

Some commented on a unique light halo forming around the sun just as it breached, which is said to be caused when light refracts off ice crystals present in thin, wispy cirrus clouds higher up in the sky. 

This could mean a storm is brewing, and it looks like weather forecasts are calling for a high humidex of 38 and a chance of showers for this Monday. 

But with the humid day started off with a bang, we really can't complain. 

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