Thick blanket of haze accompanied by smoky smell in Toronto

A thick haze has rolled in to Toronto that at first was mystifying, then kind of pretty, and now feels like it's taking over the city along with a smoky smell.

The air quality in the city is dismal because of it, with an Air Quality Health Index on Monday of 6 in the "moderate" range, also classified as the "unhealthy" range.

Unfortunately, the muggy haze is due to wildfires that have been raging up north.

Over 100 fires are blazing in northwestern Ontario, with winds blowing the smoke south.

Wildfire smoke can be harmful to your health, so people are encouraged to take precautions with exposure.

The smokiness in the air led to views of a bright red sun which inspired tons of photos.

Throughout Monday, a thick smoky haze descended down upon the city.

While images of a city blanketed in haze are certainly surreal, the smell of smoke isn't so pleasant.

Hopefully the fires will subside soon and we can look forward to clearer skies and fresher air (well, as fresh as we can expect in Toronto).

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