Toronto homes are now displaying glowing neon hearts in their windows

As Toronto gears up to enter its ninth month of the pandemic, residents of the city are still finding new ways to spread joy and positivity in their communities — just as they did in the early days of COVID-19

For example, if you're ever driving on Munro or Hamilton Streets in Riverside, there's a good chance you'll notice bright neon heart lights lining the windowsills of several houses. 

"We came up with the neon hero heart as our first neon sign as we thought it was a nice gesture to place a glowing heart in your window in these dark times," wrote Jeffrey Moss, one of the creators of the product, in a Facebook post

Moss works at Moss LED, a company that provides lights to the film and television industry.

But when the industry was put on hold due to COVID-19 in the summer, they pivoted production and began creating the illuminated neon hearts as a tribute to the frontline heroes helping to get us through the pandemic. 

And according to Moss, they've been a huge success.

"Our neighbourhood rallied behind us and now a handful of hearts are on our street lit up nightly and we've had people knocking on our door wondering where they can buy them," he said.

As a result, they're scaling up production on the hearts, which are built in Mississauga, and they're also on sale if you use the discount code "LESLIEVILLE."

Plus, Moss said anyone that lives in the Riverside and Leslieville area can use the "pick up" option at checkout and he will personally drop them off at your house for free.

"This beautifully crafted neon heart is dedicated to our healthcare heroes who have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic," reads the product description. 

"We've designed the heart so that you can give it to a healthcare hero or place it in your front window to spread the love to anyone passing by on your street."

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