Toronto's newest cannabis store looks like a Scandinavian bathroom

Cannabis stores continue to pile into Toronto at an exhausting rate, meaning the city's dispensaries are doing the most — or in some cases, the least — to set themselves apart from other OCS retailers. 

While re-upping is limited to click and collect, for now, a unique interior is the easiest way to stand out, especially if the store looks like if a Scandinavian vase had a baby with that white room from the Matrix. 

edition x toronto

Edition X on Dupont Street might be Toronto's most minimalist weed store yet. Photo via Double Space Photo.

Taking the sleek Apple Store approach to weed store blueprint to peak minimalism is Edition X, the first location of this Toronto-based cannabis company at 270 Dupont St.

edition x toronto

The store employed Toronto design firm StudioAC. Photo via Double Space Photo.

The company from Ryan Roebuck and Dennis Bennie employed Toronto design firm StudioAC to create a shopping experience that, at first glance, looks like it sells dangly earrings made out of rare moon stones, maybe, or vials of mountain air.

Product, which is relatively on par with most other brands, is displayed on counters made out of industrial grating, like an airport ramp, but stylish. 

edition x toronto

Edition X will be opening another location on St. Clair West in the future. Photo via Double Space Photo.

Edition X sells the usual weed product supply along with a number of lifestyle goods like candles, tote bags, ashtrays from furniture studio Mary Ratcliffe and vape pens from Greentank

The store will soon be opening another location in the Wychwood neighbourhood that will look equally airy.

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