Schitt's Creek star auctioning off paper plate with lyrics from the show for Toronto charities

Schitt's Creek star Annie Murphy recently donated $7,000 USD to Toronto's Encampment Support Network (ESN) and another unnamed North American organization after selling her very first red carpet dress to the highest bidder, and now she's auctioning off another keepsake from the series and once again giving the proceeds to charity. 

The Ottawa-born actor is known for her award-winning portrayal of obnoxious yet lovable Alexis, and any fan of the show knows one of Alexis's most iconic moments is when she auditions for the town musical with a performance of "A Little Bit Alexis" — the theme song from her "critically-reviewed" and short-lived reality show. 

According to an Instagram post from Murphy, the actor actually used a paper plate to write down the lyrics to the catchy tune before recording it since there was no actual paper in sight, and now she's auctioning off that plate for a good cause. 

"OKAY I swear I'm not starting a side-hustle as an auctioneer, BUT the dress went over so well that I'm throwing one more at you," she wrote in a social media post about it.

"This, in all of its paper platey glory, is what I used while recording A Little Bit Alexis, because my brain is old and full of holes. I would like you to have it."

Murphy is accepting bids on the plate through the email address, and she has committed to donating half the proceeds to Eva's Initiatives, a Toronto-based organization that works with youth who are experiencing homelessness, as well as another "charity we decide upon like a couple of mature adults."

And on top of the already iconic first verse from A Little Bit Alexis, the plate also contains some additional (and hilarious) lyrics that never actually made the cut — making the one-of-a-kind keepsake all the more special for whoever makes the highest bid. 

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