Buckwheat Crepe Recipe with Fruit Compote

Buckwheat Crepe Recipe with Fruit Compote is an excellent recipe to use to incorporate this high-protein, gluten-free grain into your diet. Buckwheat flour is said to be excellent for diabetes, digestion and the treatment of high blood pressure since its high in Rutin. Along with a seasonal fruit compote, these Buckwheat Crepes are an excellent way to kickstart your day with a wholesome dose of healthy energy.

Serve Buckwheat Crepe Recipe with Fruit Compote with a glass of fresh juice or a hot cup of coffee. You could also pack them in your kids snack box or for a weekend family picnic.

Try these other breakfast specifies like: 

  1. Vegan Chickpea Omelette
  2. Spiced Rice Breakfast Porridge
  3. Sun-dried Tomato, Raw Sprouts And Cream Cheese Bagel

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