Szechuan Vegetarian Fried Rice

Szechuan Style Vegetarian Fried Rice Recipe is one of the staple meal found in the region of Sichuan (China). The rice is traditionally tossed with the local vegetables available and then mixed with the authentic Sichuan chili oil which is made from Sichuan peppers.The dish also consists of Sichuan chili sauce. So the dish as a whole itself is very spicy thus representing the flavor of that region.

Did you know: Pure Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, which is your good cholesterol. It helps in lowering your risk of heart disease. It may even benefit insulin levels therefore potentially lower your risk of type 2 diabetes.

Serve your Sichuan Fried Rice hot accompanied by lunch meal.

If you are looking for more fried rice recipes here are some:

  1. Burnt Garlic Chicken Fried Rice Recipe
  2. Quick Cauliflower Fried Rice Recipe
  3. Tofu Fried Rice Recipe

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