Someone returned a wallet in Toronto with $600 and credit cards in it

A Nova Scotia man now living near Toronto, amazingly lost his wallet in the city only to have it returned a few days later.

Bolton resident Brenden Mombourquette tells blogTO he lost his wallet somewhere near the Toronto Maple Leafs home game on Oct. 9. He didn't realize it was gone until he was nearly home.

Mombourquette's mother Dawn Gillis, who lives in Cape Breton, says her son was really upset.

"He was just beating himself up," Gillis says.

Inside was all his identification, credit cards with tap and $600 he had brought to go shopping in downtown Toronto before the game but didn't spend. He cancelled his cards and started the process to get new identification.

But in a miraculous turn of events, proving Toronto isn't just full of porch pirates and crime, the wallet came back in a Purolator envelope with no return address on Saturday. Mombourquette says he lives in a basement apartment and the package might have been on the porch for a few days before he noticed it.

"All his credit cards, and $600 and nobody took it, every dime was in there," Gillis says.

"Not one thing was missing," adds Mombourquette.

There was a note inside the envelope but so far Mombourquette hasn't been able to track down the person who wrote it.

Gillis says her son 22 years old and has been working hard to save money for a car. He moved to Ontario about four years ago and hasn't been back to Cape Breton since then.

Thrilled and thankful that a good Samaritan decided to return the wallet, Gillis posted to Facebook.

"I said, 'you know what, I'm listening to all this negative stuff on Facebook. I want something nice [on Facebook].'"

Her friends in Nova Scotia couldn't believe that it happened in Toronto.

"That's what nobody could believe," she says. "Oh my God in a big city? Like maybe in Cape Breton that would happen, people would give it back. They're like, 'In Toronto? Oh my God, like millions of people, right?'"

Gillis says she worries about all her children because they work hard. She is amazed at the kindness of this stranger who didn't even want money for the delivery costs or any recognition.

"It just blew my mind. I just thought it was so nice."

Mombourquette is also blown away by the woman who sent the wallet back.

"I'd love to say thank you and she restored my faith in humanity."

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