Toronto cafe bans discussions about COVID and vaccines

We've all had enough of arguing over vaccines and COVID, but the owner of one Toronto cafe has decided to ban discussion of the subjects completely.

Lola's Coffee owner Eriola Galanxhi has taken to Instagram to share her views before, but the subjects only ever got as controversial as yoga pants and double doubles. Yesterday, she used the platform to request an end to COVID and vaccine talk at her business.

"I didn't open a walk-in clinic. I opened a coffee shop with music and books in the background. Tell me about the last book you have read," reads the post.

"We all know what is going on so let's use the wisdom and common sense we have to contribute to one another's well being. Thank you to all my regular customers that are understanding, supportive and kind as hell."

Galanxhi feels that in some cases, the way restrictions have caused people to behave are worse than actually having to follow them.

"Working as customer service it's physically impossible to wear a mask 12 hours a day," Galanxhi tells blogTO.

"Monday and Sunday when we do the last thing we need to hear about is someone asking 'Did you wash your hands?  Or 'Did you get the vaccine?' or anything regarding COVID as a package."

She says she's been yelled at from across the street to put her mask on and that she lost a customer. She's also had people talk to her on the patio "so close to my face like they are about to kiss me" who she says become paranoid as soon as they walk inside the cafe.

"No need to argue who has done the vaccine and who hasn't," says Galanxhi.

"Get a coffee, tell me how incredible your child is, how talented your dog is and lets call it a day. Tell me about lyrics and songs I haven't heard before. Tell me about the last book you have read so after 12 hours' shift I can look forward to something new and exciting. I have banned COVID talk and I'm firm to it."

She says in addition to wearing a mask she uses a ton of sanitizer on her hands, but isn't going to take any suggestions to bleach her expensive shoes, or her rustic walls or espresso machine.

Galanxhi says whoever wants to come to her coffee shop can enter at their own discretion, and discloses that she has gotten both her vaccine shots.

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