Lauki and Whole Green Moong Dal Cheela Recipe

Lauki And Whole Green Moong Dal Cheela Recipe is a healthy and protein rich Cheela / Dosa recipe. It is gluten free and vegan. Nutritious bottle gourd combined with high protein whole green moong dal makes a protein rich and high fiber much-needed breakfast for vegetarians.

Cheela is usually prepared with besan (gram flour) but here I have used whole green gram just like Andhra Pesarattu Dosa.

Serve Lauki and Whole Green Moong Dal Cheela Recipe with Red Chilli Coconut Chutney Recipe (South Indian Chutney), or Sweet and Spicy Tomato Chutney Recipe for breakfast. You can also serve a cup of Masala Chai with it.

If you like this recipe, you can also try other Dosa Recipes such as

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  3. Magalorean Neer Dosa Recipe (Savory Rice & Coconut Crepe)

Did you know: Bottle gourd has 90% water in it. Bottle gourd is recommended by Ayurveda for better digestion. Because of its water content. It’s a boon for weight watchers. It can help in quenching extreme thirst in diabetic patients. Loaded with essential minerals and vitamins like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, Vitamin A, C and folate, its popular for combating high blood pressure and improving heart health.

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