This Toronto bakery is making bread using red wine and raspberries

A Toronto bakery has brought two of life's essentials together with stunning visual results: bread and red wine.

Prairie Boy Bread regularly cycles through feature breads, and their most recent one was a raspberry red wine loaf studded with beautiful ruby globs.

"At Prairie Boy we have always strived to create variety to complement our standard offering of 100 per cent organic sourdough breads. Having seasonal options gives us opportunity to explore new ideas and new ingredients as the seasons change," Prairie Boy owner Grant MacPherson told blogTO.

"As we move closer to the opening of our new location at Yonge and St. Clair, we are rolling out lots of new, and delicious things, not just bread. We are excited to have two new people bringing their passion and creativity to the bread team who are: Andrew Memme our Production Manager and Juliana de Almeida Braganca our Bread Lead."

The raspberry red wine loaf is Memme's debut contribution to Prairie Boy's seasonal bread program. 

"The red wine raspberry loaf started with a search for ingredients that suit the Valentine's Day season in flavour, and also could play an appropriate and versatile role on your kitchen table as a sourdough loaf, whether that be holding its own on your charcuterie board before dinner, spread with butter during your meal, or slathered with Nutella," Memme told blogTO.

"When I think of Valentine's Day, I think of an intimate dinner setting,
wine, cheese and hearty deliciousness in the thick of winter...hence, arriving at a couple of common ingredients found on a charcuterie board, raspberries, red wine, black pepper, thoughtfully paired and mixed into a close resemblant of our Country White dough."

It was tough to incorporate alcohol and acidic ingredients into the bread, but with lots of experimentation and the addition of buckwheat Prairie Boy landed on a product customers are loving.

The loaf will be available throughout March. However, with a new season comes a new opportunity for a different baker to try their hand a feature bread.

"Currently in testing is Juliana's first addition to the feature bread lineup, honey and walnut. The experiments have just begun, and we are currently seeking the best honey and Ontario walnuts to make this really exceptional. This loaf will be joining the line up soon, keep an eye on our Instagram @PrairieBoyBread for updates," says MacPherson.

"But as soon as the grass starts growing it will be ramp and green garlic season. We are looking forward to working with the new crew to see what we can create together from the organic bounty that is Ontario."

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