Toronto just got a floating pedestrian bridge and people are loving it

One of Toronto's most unique landmarks is back, completely new and improved.

The floating pedestrian bridge at the Leslie St. Spit was removed earlier this year for necessary structural repair, but is now back and looking better than ever.

"The Tommy Tompson Park Pedestrian Bridge has been reopened for public use following a complete rebuild by PortsToronto to address the structural integrity and safety concerns," announced Councillor Paula Fletcher this week.

The Leslie Street Spit, and its walkable bridge floating over the water has for a longtime been one of the hottest spots for nature lovers in Toronto.

It's a little oasis of calming nature along the lake in a city that is usually far noisier and chaotic.

It wasn't always that way though, as the Leslie Street Spit used to be a far less attractive place. However, a number of revitalization projects such as the reconstruction of the improved bridge has turned it into one of the city's best kept secrets.

Whether it's going for a bike ride, fishing, bird watching, or just strolling through nature, this is one bridge everyone should look to cross.

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