Toronto sickened by late-spring snowfall after weeks of summer-like weather

Remember three days ago, when Toronto was a sweltering, soupy, sun-drenched paradise with a high of 32 C? 

Whiplash weather is par for the course around these parts each spring (and fall and summer and even winter, to be honest), but people never quite seem to get over how fast temperatures can rise and drop within days, if not hours, in Canada's largest city.

As of 11 this morning — May 28, 2021 — it's snowing in Toronto.

I'm not talking isolated flurries on the outskirts of the GTA, I'm talking huge flakes of fluffy white snow all over the city.

We knew that a steep temperature drop of at least 20 C was coming (thanks, meterologists!) but people are nonetheless just absolutely gutted to see snow in the air.

The return of winter-like weather after a sustained stretch of summery temps is a downer, to say the least...

... not to mention a shock.

Snow not only feels cold and wet on the skin of human beings, it threatens all of the freshly-planted gardens and outdoor plants in Toronto.

Hundreds of people have tweeted their surprise and / or disappointment over the past half an hour alone.

This wet, grey weather is really putting a kink in some people's plans.

"Someone in Toronto complained about the heat last week. Enjoy your snow today," tweeted one person of the flurries.

"Winter tires are all-season tires if you're from Toronto," joked another.

"Bout to be June and it's still snowing in Toronto," lamented another local.

"I love that I know that it's snowing in Toronto because all the Torontonians on my timeline started to complain about it at the exact same time," pointed out someone else quite accurately.

I could go on and on with these tweets, but you get the picture. Toronto residents are shook by the presence of snow in late May.

Fortunately, the snow is not expected to stick around in Toronto for long. According to Environment Canada, temperatures should rise to at least 10 C by this evening, turning any remaining precipitation (of which there may be a lot) into straight rain.

Saturday is expected to be sunny, though, with a high of 15 C.


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