Creamy and Delicious Fruit Custard Recipe

Fruits Custard is a very healthy and delicious dessert. It has bunch of healthy fruits with creamy custard. This is very easy to make and healthy to eat dish. Custard is always liked by kids and adults as well.

This is perfect option for party dessert because you can make it ahead of time and just add fruits when you are ready to serve it. Creamy custard filled with seasonal fruit is always a winner for a festive occasion.

Custard is all time favorite for children as well as people of all ages and they never go waste as you can also store it in the fridge for couple of days and relish it as an when you like. The fruits added to the custard can be of your choice as well as it can depend on seasonal availability. 

Serve the Fruit Custard recipe as an easy indian dessert for your parties or even for a simple sunday lunch.

If you like this recipe, you can also try other Custard recipes such as

  1. Custard Jelly Tart
  2. Homemade Eggless Vanilla Custard
  3. Egg Free Custard Cookie

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