You can now get boxes of super rare cereal in Toronto

Just like eccentric flavours of pop or foreign varieties of chips and chocolate, rare  cereal is one of those products that people tend to go nuts for, scouring every mom-and-pop convenience store and obscure snack foods shop to find.

Some even cross borders to get their hands on some Cookie Crisp or special edition Cap'n Crunch, knowing the aisles and aisles of cereal heaven that await them in virtually any American grocer.

But now, Canadian lovers of the quick-and-easy breakfast staple won't have to leave the comfort of their own home to get types that they can't get anywhere nearby, thanks to the Cereal Box Club.

The new subscription service, based near Toronto, sends members nationwide one hard-to-find box of cereal — along with toys, games and other goodies — each month, as selected by aficionados Avi and Steve.

The idea was spawned by the duo's love for the food and their desire to expand offerings and people's palate for the stuff here in Canada.

"People get tired and frustrated with the standard cereal aisle selection here," the duo says. "It's a market overlooked by major grocery chain players, who see it as a niche area... but it’s much more than a niche area: 90 per cent of  households eat cereal, and that’s increasing now that people are at home and working from home more."

Cereal Box Club established its supply networks from the U.S. before seeking out a clientele and developing its program, which launches in September at a rate of anywhere from $19.99 to $29.99 per month.

So far, they've had no major issues with getting exclusive cereals into the country, and have had a lot of requests from millennials and parents who grew up eating cereal as part of their daily routine and want to relive or share that fun, nostalgic experience.

"It's been an opportunity for us to really indulge our passion for cereal and bring cereals we really enjoy and see in the U.S. into Canada," the team says.

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