The CN Tower is getting a New Year's Eve light show

This New Year's Eve might be different from any other, but one thing always remains constant in Toronto: the CN Tower.

Its lights always shine through the night providing a landmark and sometimes showing off celebratory pride, and Dec. 31, 2020 will be no different with a light show displayed on our tallest freestanding structure.

It'll start just before midnight, and will be accompanied by a live musical simulcast of Jamar's House Party on CHUM 104.5, hosted by Jamar McNeil. Annual festivities that normally take place for free at Nathan Phillips Square have been cancelled this year.

The light display will be streamed on the city's YouTube channel for distanced viewing. 1300 LED lights on the CN Tower can produce over 16 million colours. If you don't have a view of the CN Tower from nearby, don't flock to the area to view the lights, as we're still avoiding large gatherings in Toronto under lockdown.

"We just need people to stay home. The case numbers are not good. That is putting huge strain on the healthcare system and it is not good for overall public health and for getting this pandemic over with, so the rules stay the same," Mayor John Tory told CP24.

"Please stay home, please celebrate the New Year at home. The new year is bound to be better than the one we're just finishing up, so there's cause for celebration, but please stay home."

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