Vazhakkai Milagu Kootu Recipe - Plantains Pepper Curry

Vazhakkai Milagu Kootu is a delicious recipe of plantain stem,cooked in a curry made from freshly roasted masala, that adds great flavours to the curry.

Kootu are essentially a part of the elaborate South Indian meal platter, where the vegetables are cooked with or without lentils in a coconut based masala. 

Serve this Vazhakkai Milagu Kootu, along with Steamed Rice and Jeera Rasam for a simple meal for a weekday lunch.

If you like this recipe, you can also try other Kootu recipes

  1. Pattani Kootu Recipe
  2. Snake Gourd Kootu Recipe
  3. Chow Chow and Carrot Kootu Recipe

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