People are getting sick of Toronto's incessantly dreary spring weather

If there's one thing that has made life in seemingly endless pandemic lockdown feel even worse, it's the absolutely miserable weather that Toronto has been cursed with lately, which unfortunately isn't set to let up anytime soon.

Though residents got a brief taste of some beautifully mild and sunny days in early April and even in March, things have been tragically chilly, wet, windy and overcast for the past few days, with only a few short-lived periods of sunlight attempting to poke through the dense cloud cover every so often.

And as people patiently wait for more of the population to get vaccinated and COVID-19 case counts and ICU admission numbers to fall so things can open up for a hopefully somewhat normal summer, the weather seems to be having a strong effect on many in the city and making us all feel a little less hopeful.

It's hard to get out of bed, let alone look forward to summer — or anything at all — when it's as depressing as it is outside at the moment, and the consistent rain has made it difficult to get out of the house and enjoy the few things we are still able to do amid the present stay-at-home order, which started April 8 and won't end for another few weeks.

And that May 20 end date is only if the order isn't extended, as it already has been once now.

Hopefully by the time the order does end, there will at least be some nicer weather to enjoy.

Until then, it seems that we're all just going to have to try our best not to let the gloomy skies and not-so-tropical temperatures get us down, as hard as it may be to want to get up and do normal human things.

Though it's slated to be cloudy with a chance of showers over the coming days, temperatures will at least be staying in the double digits — 12 C on Wednesday, 10 C on both Thursday and Friday, and 11 C on Saturday, though it will feel a degree or two colder than that throughout the week.

According to the Weather Network's forecast for the city, showers will likely persist into next week, but at least Tuesday is set to be mainly sunny and 11 C.

Things will be worse for other parts of the province, such as Niagara, which may see some snowflakes along with frost and freeze conditions over the weekend.

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