They're finally doing something about the trash problem in Trinity Bellwoods

With patios on their seventh week of being closed and summer weather now here to stay, things have gotten predictably rowdy at Toronto's parks, especially at the one most notorious for crowds and antics, drunken or otherwise.

It was hard to ignore how packed Trinity Bellwoods was last weekend, even long after the throngs of residents itching to enjoy a Saturday outdoors had left the scene.

The revolting amount of garbage left strewn about the area on Sunday morning was a testament to a solid day of partying — and people's stunning inability to respect public green spaces and simply pick up after themselves.

Though hundreds hopped on social media to express their disappointment in the obvious culprits, some pointed out the fact that more garbage receptacles in the park — and more frequent emptying of them — would have definitely helped the situation.

Before Saturday was over, Bellwoods's few trash and recycling bins were overstuffed and overflowing onto the ground, leaving those residents unwilling to take their refuse with them (as any decent person would do) with no simple, convenient alternative.

Mayor John Tory acknowledged the mess and the backlash to it during a press conference on Monday , vowing to add more cans to the property.

"All of us have to do better at keeping our parks clean of litter, including but not limited to Trinity Bellwoods Park," Tory said.

"We have increased and will continue to increase litter collection efforts in parks and will be immediately installing more litter bins in Trinity Bellwoods Park in particular. But those bins must be accompanied by park visitors doing the right thing by putting their garbage in, or at the very least beside, those bins."

Based on a tweet from the Friends of Trinity Bellwoods, as of Wednesday morning the new receptacles have arrived, with 12 of them lined up along the border of the tennis court by the park's southeast corner.

"No excuses!" the volunteer group aptly wrote along with a photo of the additional bins — as if there could ever have been any excuse for last weekend's display of laziness and disrespect in the first place.

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