Chapman's anti-vax boycott officially a failure as people buy freezer loads of ice cream

A boycott of Chapman's Ice Cream totally backfired on anti-vaxxers and the company is now feeling the love from all across Canada.

In November, Chapman's, an Ontario ice cream company based in Markdale, announced they'd be giving a $1 raise to all employees who were fully vaccinated and asked all unvaccinated employees to take a rapid test, on the company dime.

The $1 raise was meant to balance out the costs of doing the rapid tests. In response, a small group of people decided to start a boycott.

The company was flooded with hateful emails, phone calls and even regular mail. But then a counter-movement started with people buying Chapman's Ice Cream just to anger those who started the boycott.

And people have been buying freezers full of ice cream, Ashley Chapman, vice-president of Chapman's Ice Cream tells blogTO.

"We've been getting pictures from people who are going out and they're clearing out the freezers at their local stores, and they're taking pictures and sending it to us," Chapman says.

One group of older ladies got together and decided to buy all the ice cream in their local supermarket.

"They all got together and headed up to the store and cleaned out the entire section in their Loblaws," he says.

Typically November can be a slow month for ice cream sales but this month sales are up. There were promotions this time last year but not this year and the company was expecting a dip in sales.

"We figured that this November, we would be down and we were up a little bit," he says. 

The negative messages are still coming in.

"There's still some very, very hateful people out there saying some really horrible stuff," he adds. "Just a few days ago, we had someone actually write in to say, they hope my children get cancer and die."

But the messages have been slowing down and Chapmans is not wavering on their policy.

"We are not we are not backing down ever since the first day of the pandemic our number one focus was to keep our employees safe and our community safe," he says.

The majority of Chapman's 850 employees are vaccinated or nearly fully vaccinated, and in the end only two people left on unpaid leave. He adds that he has received nice comments from unvaccinated people who appreciate the company providing an opition for rapid testing.

The boycott attempt has been a total failure.

"We would just like the bad comments to stop…[but] the more that we get, the better our sales are and the better our company is. So it is really kind of blowing up in the face of these people trying to put us out of business."

Right now, the support and love for the company is outweighing the negativity.

"The outpouring of support from coast to coast, every corner of this country has been overwhelming," says Chapman. "The anti-vaxxers have been a pithy dribble. And the people who love us and what we do and what we try to do have been, it's really been overwhelming."

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