‘Truly invigorating’: readers’ favourite lidos in the UK

Whether they swim by moonlight, or the midday sun, to disco beats or the sounds of the ocean – our tipsters take the plunge at some of the UK’s best outdoor pools

Spreading itself below the best of Glasgow’s sunshine is Gourock outdoor pool. With tickets no more than £5, this charming and no-frills heated lido is the oldest in dear Alba, with stellar views across the Clyde estuary. On one diving board a young lad, clad in Irn-Bru tinted trunks, was having a hard time. The crowd quickly banded together, hooting and clapping in the slapping heat a boy overcoming his fear of heights. His dive was crowned by a glistering splash submerged in cheers, and the pride of a parent. Soundtracked to an eclectic selection of 1980s classics, noughties pop and Ibiza bangers, you can perform the cleanest dives to the most painful of belly flops. Gou-rocks!
Chloe Bate

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