With lockdown measures in place in Toronto, it's hard to keep healthy, but a new disc golf course just opened in the city and it has the seal of approval as a safe way to get outside.
The new course, Scarlett Woods, located at Jane Street and Eglinton Avenue, is the city's sixth disc golf course.
"These are some of the only COVID friendly sports available and the courses have been really growing in popularity," Jeff MacKeigan, who designed the disc golf course with his business partner Cara Hovius, told blogTO.
The new disc golf course at Scarlett Woods has some beautiful natural surroundings.
Disc golf can be played all year round and has similar rules as regular golf. Players throw a disc from a tee-off area into a metal basket mounted in the ground. The object of the game is to complete each hole in the fewest number of throws.
There are COVID-19 protocols in place and signage at the six disc golf locations in Toronto, said City of Toronto spokesperson Bruce Hawkins. Individuals playing disc golf are required to bring their own equipment. People can play disc golf with members of their own household beginning Nov. 28, Hawkins said.
Disc golf is naturally socially distant.
"Disc golf is one of multiple activities provided by the City as part of its Welcome T.O. Winter plan, which provides safe ways for people to get outside in Toronto's parks this winter," Hawkins added.
Scarlett Woods is a nine-hole course and it is temporary for the winter season. There is no charge to use the facility during the 2020/21 season.
The other five locations are Ashbridges Bay Park, Centennial Park in Etobicoke, E.T. Seton Park near the Ontario Science Centre, Marilyn Bell Park and Toronto Island Park.
MacKeigan and Hovius created the courses at Ashbridges Bay Park in November 2018 and Marilyn Bell Park course in November 2019.
The rules during the pandemic are posted at each course.
The Ashbridges nine-hole course is great for beginners and has views of Lake Ontario. Marilyn Bell, located near Ontario Place, is also a nine-hole course.
COVID-19 protocols include staying at least two metres apart, only approaching the next tee when clear, only one disc in the basket at a time and don’t congregate in the parking lot.
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