Drake's crew spotted giving out Certified Lover Boy shirts in Toronto

If you were out and about on all the right streets in Toronto last night, you may have been one of the lucky few who got some free Drake swag from the man himself — er, kind of.

In the lead-up to the release of his highly-anticipated forthcoming studio album Certified Lover Boy, the city's favourite export decided to treat unsuspecting passersby to some exclusive branded merch, hand-delivered by crew members OVO Mark and Drw Ferguson from what appeared to be a Mercedes G-Wagon convertible.

Though recipients didn't get to meet Drake in the flesh, the rapper did hop on Mark's nearly hour-long Instagram Live where he chatted through the phone with a few excited fans from his own vehicle.

Based on the footage, the boys came straight from Drake's Bridle Path mansion and meandered up and down Bay, Richmond, Queen, King and other downtown thoroughfares from shortly after 11 p.m. onwards, imbibing out of black solo cups and blasting Drizzy (of course) all along the way.

After running out of free tees to hand (or at times, throw) out, Mark at one point took the shirt off his own back to give to a passing police cruiser.

"I told you, we're out here for the people, that's it. Straight off my back, I had to," he said to Live viewers as the officer is heard yelling "thank you so much" in the background.

Drake instructed the group to head to Scarborough Town Centre and Square One, though the video didn't show if they ended up restocking and making it that far.

The shirts looked to be plain black, emblazoned with lyrics from CLB tracks, as also seen in the same font and style on new billboards that have popped up around the city.

As revealed via a SportsCenter "hack" last week, CLB comes out this Friday, Sept. 3, and may or may not feature some pregnant emoji album art that is confusing the hell out of everyone.

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