Best Campari cocktail recipes

Negroni Drink Recipe

Looking for Campari cocktail recipes? Want to make the best negroni or spritz? Check out our ideas below and then take a look at our summer cocktail recipes. Campari is an Italian herbal liquor, most famous for its bitter taste and beautiful red colour. We have some twists and alternative aperitifs to try next time, too.

Campari cocktail recipes


Campari makes up one-third of this ever-popular cocktail, ideal for sipping as an aperitif before a meal. Check out our quick and easy recipe here.

Negroni Drink Recipe

Campari spritz

Mix yourself an absolute classic – the campari spritz. Not as sweet as Aperol, Campari joins sparkling wine, sparkling water and a big wedge of orange in this cocktail.

Campari Spritz Recipe

Blood orange Campari cocktail

The sweet orange juice in this cocktail balances the slightly bitter taste of Campari to make a refreshing apéritif.

Blood orange Camapri cocktail

Campari clementine fizz

Whip up this tempting three-ingredient cocktail with Campari in just 10 minutes. Whether you dust off your juicer or buy shop-bought clementine juice, your guests will love this sparkling fizz.

Sparkling Orange Cocktail Recipe

This update on the negroni uses the usual suspects of Campari, vermouth and gin as well as rhubarb and ginger jam, balancing the classic bitter flavours with sweeter notes.

Rhubarb and Ginger Negroni Cocktail Recipe

Passion amaro

The name of this drink is connected to the ingredients used – amaro in Italian means bitter. In this case, the Italian bitter Campari complements the tropical flavour of the passion fruit.

passion amaro

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