Send a tip on your most fascinating city for the chance to win a £200 holiday voucher

For Jan Morris it was not-quite Italian Trieste, but which city or town gets your senses buzzing? The best tip wins £200 towards a Sawday’s stay

“Sometimes I prefer one city, sometimes another,” wrote the late great travel writer Jan Morris in the Guardian in 2009. But, she added: “There are places in the world where my responses have not been fickle, and the chief of these is Trieste,” which she described as “‘a place to drift through, a place on a fold in the map, neither quite one thing nor another”. This week, we’d like to hear about a city that has a particular pull for you – somewhere without the obvious big-tick tourist attractions, but that always casts “a tantalising spell”.

If you have a relevant photo, do send it in – but it’s your words that will be judged for the competition.

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