Fish Finger Onigirazu/ Rice Sandwich 鱼柳饭团

Delicious Onigirazu aka rice sandwich made using air fried cod finger along with some sides. This is super easy to prepare using frozen battered seafood. Just throw everything into the air fryer and let it do the frying, No oily or soggy fried food, no greasy kitchen. The fish fingers and seafood all turned out perfectly crispy, better than deep fried of course ;)

I cooked all these using Ninja Foodi, the 2 in 1 pressure cooker and air fryer in one pot, it's super efficient and time saving. Pressure cooked Japanese rice for 3 minutes, use Saute/Sear mode to fry egg and Air-Crisp mode to air fry the seafood combo and fish fingers. Yeah... besides pressure cook and air frying, there are other functions such as steam, slow cook, sear/ saute, bake/ roast, grill and keep warm, can be used for stir frying too. Cooked everything in one pot, so convenient.

If you're keen to try out the multi cooker, you can use this promo code: mfa_dingoozatfood  to get more than 37% discount which is the lowest price in Singapore. Retail Price $599, after promo code discount: $374. Product details/ Order here:


*200g Japanese Rice (soaked 30minutes)

*250g Water (for cooking rice)

2 Eggs, lightly beaten, season with salt and pepper

1 pkt Frozen Cod Finger

Some seaweed, crab sticks, lettuce, mayonnaise, any  sauce or sides of your choice.

Exclusively for Miki's Food Archives Followers 
key in this voucher code to enjoy the special rate. 
VOUCHER CODE: mfa_dingoozatfood

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1. Cook Japanese rice using Ninja Foodi - Add water and rice in the pot, pressure cook (HI) for 3 minutes, let it sit for 10 minutes, release remaining pressure. Remove the rice from the pot, set aside to cool. 

2. Wipe the pot, set Sear/ Saute mode (HI), heat some oil and fry the egg, set aside. Place Cook & Crisp basket in the pot. Set Air-Crisp mode 200'C, preheat 5 minutes. Add in frozen cod finger. 

3. Air Crisp mode 200'C 6-8 minutes.

4. When the fish finger is ready, gather all ingredients.

5. Assemble the onigirazu according to your own preferences. Below are some ideas for reference. 

The base: Place seaweed at the bottom, follow by rice , lettuce and some mayonnaise.
Add cod finger, topped with some Tonkatsu sauce.

or cod finger, crab stick with some mayonnaise.

Another combinations of cod finger, egg, crab stick and prawn,
with some Thai chili sauce.

A combination of cod finger, egg and crab stick with mayonnaise.

6. After adding the fillings, topped with lettuce and rice, wrap up, slice and serve. Tips: Use a sheet of cling wrap to help holding the seaweed together. ;) Get your Ninja Foodi OP300 at lowest price using this promo code: mfa_dingoozatfood  to enjoy more than 37% discount. Retail Price $599, after promo code discount: $374. Product details/ Order here:

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