Lemon rice is very popular in every household. Think of quick, easy, less labor lunch/dinner options, lemon rice is definitely one of them in Indian households. Are you someone who loves the simplicity of a nice flavour packed lemon rice just like me? Then, I have a piece of good news for you. How about a dish just like lemon rice, but doesn’t even have to do the labor of cooking rice? How about a healthier option than rice? But without compromising on the flavors! How about using oats in place of rice to make Lemon oats? Do you like the idea? Yes, I thought so, cause I like the idea too, and trust me the preparation is much easier and there is no compromising on flavours. For those busy, lazy, last minute dinner ideas, this lemon oats dish fits in perfectly.
Serve Lemon Oats along with Masala Chai and a bowl of fruits for a healthy breakfast.
You can also try other Oats recipes like
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