Mei Wei Economic Bee Hoon – Tasty Bee Hoon And Fried Fish Fillet For Breakfast Near East Coast

Of all the hawker dishes in Singapore, I find Economic Bee Hoon one of the hardest to decide which is “the best”.

Some Economic Bee Hoon stalls are popular due to its geographical location (near schools, offices, factories), affordability, or perhaps they are only other breakfast stall n the entire food centre.

Also, there are other varying factors that affect quality, such as the time of the day visited (mornings are typically fresher than afternoon), or whether that wing is just out of the hot oil.

I was recommended to Mei Wei Economic Bee Hoon 美味咖喱杂菜饭 at 7 Crane Road (at Katong, East Coast area).

This “Poh Ho Restaurant” is no simple coffee shop, also housing the popular Hock Thye Noodle House which is known for Wanton Noodles, and Famous Crispy Prata Indian Muslim Food (Mr and Mrs Mohgan’s Super Crispy Roti Prata which used to be here moved further down the road.)

The Bee Hoon stall is a walk-and-you-would miss kind of place, serving Economic Bee Hoon in the morning, then Curry Vegetable Rice aka Chye Png from noon onwards.

The ingredients displayed do not depart from the typical, such as fried egg, luncheon meat, fried fish fillet, fried chicken wings, and cabbage.

I hear there is also the crispy Hainanese Pork Chop, but as I gone down about 10am plus, there weren’t many items left.

Score. The beehoon which was taken out of a container, was still steaming hot when served.

There was such a tasty soy and oyster sauce flavour, evenly fried without being too wet or dry, and not greasy at all.

While I added a dollop of chilli which enhanced its flavours, the bee hoon could hold on its own without the sauces as well.

Special mention goes to the fried fish fillet, which adds a special batter to the supplier delivered ones. So there was this extra crisp, but yet the inside still remained soft and rather juicy.

Expectedly, I was full of hopes for the prawn paste fried chicken wings, but because that had been left out for a while, it wasn’t as crispy as I would have wished for. But I did hear good things about it.

Nostalgic taste, flavourful, simple things done well.

Mei Wei Economic Bee Hoon 美味咖喱杂菜饭
Poh Ho Restaurant, 7 Crane Road, Singapore 429356
Opening Hours: 6:30am – 4pm (Tues – Sun), Closed Mon

Bee hoon is only sold in the mornings while curry vegetable rice is from noon onwards

* Follow @DanielFoodDiary on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube for more food news, food videos and travel highlights. DFD paid for food reviewed unless otherwise stated.

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