“Plant” Cucumbers & Win S$15 For World Cucumber Day Now Till 20 July

2020 has truly been a rollercoaster of a year. From Australia’s bushfires in January, to Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, to the tragic death of Kobe Bryant, and Brexit—leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In such trying times, a little levity never goes amiss.

Which is why for World Cucumber Day, Hendrick’s Gin is hoping to spread some cheer with their first-ever augmented reality game, The Cucumber Horticulturist. From now until 20 July 2020, play the game and earn currency from growing cucumbers, all from the comfort of your own home.

Want to know how to win the game? It’s simple enough, all you have to do is grow your cucumber plant, by collecting water droplets falling on your screen. Gather enough water, and you’ll be able to grow a majestic vine with cucumber ripe for picking.

Once you’ve grown the cucumber plant to your satisfaction, you’ll receive your cucumber currency through email, as an e-ticket for S$15 off a special World Cucumber Day bundle. You can redeem the rewards exclusively at The 1887 Bar on GrabFood, valid until 31 July 2020.

While it might not be the usual World Cucumber Day you’re familiar with, this year’s online version is delightful enough.

After all, when life gives you cucumbers, you should make yourself a Hendrick’s gin & tonic!

Dates & Times: Now until 20 July 2020

Prices: Free | Try the AR game on the website

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