Shift Syphon Bar – NEW Humble Coffee Specialty Place Opens At North Bridge Road

It is not uncommon to find hole-in-the-wall coffee places in the North Bridge Road and Jalan Besar districts of Singapore. I think there is something laid-back and charming about these areas.

This time, I spotted a Shift Syphon Bar located at the base level of Southbank. Like you would so totally walk past and won’t notice a cafe there.


This is a condominium located next to North Bridge Road Food Centre, of walking distance from ICA (if it helps). Parking can be slightly tricky as the public carpark near ICA is cordoned off, but public can park from Level 6 onwards in the condo.

Shift Syphon Bar is by the same team behind Upside Down Coffee at Amoy Street – which I last covered in 2017, another obscure coffee place and roasters.

The team revealed that they would get particularly excited each time they see small, unique spaces, and think of the cosy opportunities that these individual spaces hold.

To add on, co-founder Apple shared that they look at coffee not just as a beverage but overall a medium to get people together.

Hence, they believe that small cosy spots are best to catalyse, though many business owners wouldn’t agree with them (as they would want a faster revenue generator).

It is not common to find a “syphon” specialty place in Singapore as well.

Shift uses a small range of single origins in their coffee production, with the Merkuria Mergia ($8), La Promesa ($10), and Aurora.

That is not all. They use their own formulated mineral water (the dedication) for the coffees to enhance the flavours customers will get in the cup.

As the cup of coffee is comprised mostly of water and just a touch of coffee, this method is able to highlight mouthfeel as compared to other brewing methods which mostly highlights mostly flavours.

For those who are not used to Syphon Coffee, the mouthfeel is generally smooth, clean, and crisp.

Though may not be everybody’s cup of tea coffee, for those who prefer a strong-at-the-start fuller bodied experience.

On the menu are also White ($5), Mocha ($6), Aurora Affogato ($8), Chocolate ($5.50), Matcha ($6), and Chai ($6).

A small, cosy space where the baristas are there to walk you from bean to cup. Don’t forget to maintain your social distance.

Shift Syphon Bar
881 North Bridge Road, Southbank #01-13, Singapore 198784
Tel: +65 8268 0903
Opening Hours: 10am – 4pm (Mon – Sat), Closed Sun

Other Related Entries
Nylon Coffee Roasters (Everton Park)
The Food Peeps (Maxwell House)
Coffee Plus (Queen’s Road)
Double Up Coffee (Jalan Klapa)
Lucid (Hamilton Road)

* Written by Daniel Ang @DanielFoodDiary & Lewis Tan @juicyfingers. DFD paid for food reviewed unless otherwise stated.

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