Healthy vegetarian storecupboard recipes

Chickpea and Cauliflower Curry Recipe

  • Difficulty Easy


  • We use chickpeas, black beans, tinned tomatoes and more

Vegan quinoa and black bean chilli

This quinoa and black bean chilli recipe is high in protein and fibre, low in calories and vegan – but it still tastes impossibly creamy.

[image id="80975" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" title="Easy Vegan Chilli Recipe with Quinoa" alt="Easy Vegan Chilli Recipe with Quinoa" classes=""]

Vegetarian chickpea and cauliflower curry

Got a tin of chickpeas in your storecupboard? Get them involved with cauliflower in this nutritious, protein-rich meal.

[image id="105642" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" title="Chickpea and Cauliflower Curry Recipe" alt="Chickpea and Cauliflower Curry Recipe" classes=""]

Black bean crunch wraps

These simple wraps will put that tin of black beans in your cupboard to great use. They're packed with plenty of flavour, not to mention protein and fibre.

[image id="70037" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" title="Crunch Wrap Recipe with Black Beans" alt="Crunch Wrap Recipe with Black Beans" classes=""]

Smoky homemade beans with baked sweet potato

Using tins of beans and tomatoes, this dish makes for an easy veggie meal. It has a generous dose of fibre too, and will boost your five-a-day count.

[image id="4029" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" title="Baked sweet potatoes with smoky beans" alt="Baked sweet potatoes with smoky beans" classes=""]

Black bean slow-cooker chilli

Check out our easy slow-cooker chilli using tinned tomatoes and black beans, which are rich in fibre, potassium and protein. This is a nutritious, low-calorie veggie recipe that the whole family will love.

[image id="78611" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" title="Slow Cooker Chilli Recipe For Chipotle Black Bean Chilli" alt="Chipotle Black Bean Chilli Recipe" classes=""]

Grains, greens and beans salad with pesto dressing

This nutritious salad jumbles healthy storecupboard staples like protein-rich freekah and beans with green veg, and finishes it all off with a tub of fresh pesto. Ready in 15 minutes.

[image id="99637" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" title="Easy Grain Salad Recipe with Pesto Dressing" alt="Easy Grain Salad Recipe with Pesto Dressing" classes=""]

Use tinned puy lentils and tomatoes as well as dried herbs in this great veggie bolognese. It's packed with veggies and is rich in protein and fibre.

[image id="8484" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" crop="2px,316px,596px,397px" title="Lentil Bolognese Recipe" alt="Lentil Bolognese Recipe" classes=""]

Storecupboard curry with spinach, chickpeas and potato

Grab those tins of chickpeas and tomatoes from your cupboards and put them to work with dried spices, potatoes and spinach to create this vegan curry. Chickpeas are high in fibre, protein, iron and folate, but have plenty more virtues besides.

[image id="99635" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" title="Chickpea Potato Curry Recipe with Spinach" alt="Chickpea Potato Curry Recipe with Spinach" classes=""]

This colourful vegan recipe involves black beans, sweetcorn and quinoa from the cupboard, along with fresh lime, coriander, avocado and chilli. It's ready in 30 minutes and, thanks to its nourishing ingredients, is rich in fibre and protein.

[image id="47714" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" crop="8px,1990px,3791px,2525px" title="Vegan Burrito with Black Beans Recipe" alt="Vegan Burrito with Black Beans Recipe" classes=""]

Check out our vibrant salad recipe with giant couscous. The cauliflower brings fibre to the table, as well as lots of vitamins and minerals. The garlic and herb dressing adds more goodness as well as punchy flavour.

[image id="84622" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" title="Cauliflower Couscous Salad Recipe with Zhoug" alt="Cauliflower Couscous Salad Recipe with Zhoug" classes=""]

This Greek one-pot is packed with protein and fibre as well as plenty of fresh flavours. Using tins, jars and other storecupboard staples, it's an easy vegetarian meal idea with less than 300 calories.

[image id="88767" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" title="Gigantes Plaki Recipe" alt="Gigantes Plaki Recipe" classes=""]

Make our veggie pasta bake with tinned chopped tomatoes, dried pasta, punchy garlic and nutty parmesan. This simple recipe is rich in protein and ready in less than an hour.

[image id="74164" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" crop="15px,41px,5454px,3633px" title="Vegetable Pasta Bake Recipe with Tomato and Basil" alt="Vegetable Pasta Bake Recipe with Tomato and Basil" classes=""]

Protein- and iron-rich lentils are a vegetarian’s saviour. The tinned brown type work perfectly in this colourful, nutritious quesadillas recipe.

[image id="102973" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" crop="1px,93px,1064px,709px" title="Quesadillas" alt="Quesadillas" classes=""]

Young jackfruit from a tin is spiked with paprika and chilli powder in this easy recipe. It's joined by vegetables and homemade tomato salsa for a speedy and nourishing vegan meal.

[image id="101178" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" title="Vegan Jackfruit Tacos Recipe" alt="Vegan Jackfruit Tacos Recipe" classes=""]

Tinned chopped tomatoes are infused with heady spices to create this hearty vegan soup. Swap the basmati for brown or red rice for an extra nutritional boost.

[image id="96085" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" title="Vegan Tomato Soup Recipe with Rice and Lemongrass" alt="Vegan Tomato Soup Recipe with Rice and Lemongrass" classes=""]

A Mughlai addition to Indian cuisine, this healthy but hearty soup features vitamin- and mineral-rich mung beans and tinned sweetcorn, as well as lots of staple dried spices.

[image id="49967" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" crop="16px,1443px,5382px,3585px" title="sweetcorn spinach shorba - superfood 2017" alt="sweetcorn spinach shorba - superfood 2017" classes=""]

Super storecupboard salad

This super salad is made from storecupboard heroes like tinned chickpeas, frozen peas and beans and grains. It's ready in just 15 minutes so make for a speedy but nourishing salad. It serves four, but you can always have leftovers for lunch.

[image id="23219" size="landscape_thumbnail" align="none" title="Super storecupboard salad" alt="Super storecupboard salad" classes=""]

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